Autumn Nights and a Recipe For You to Try

Autumn nights.

Clocks go back.

Ah. Another hour in bed.

The sun sits lower in the sky

and flattens out the light.

We welcome in a new season, 

or do you? 

How do you feel about this 

change? Or change itself?

Is it easier than the summer of

baring knees and shedding layers?

Or do you dread the fading light

the longer, darker night.

I’ve learnt to love the contrast every season brings.

A chance to wrap up, kick back, stay in. 

The rain, and temperature drop.

Another brolly left in a cab, 

on a tube or turned inside out 

by gusts of wind. 


I used to find the seasonal

step change disorientating. 


Refusing to wear a coat until the cold wore me out and

when spring enchanted summer I’d refuse to take it off.

Even in a hot sweaty gig or basement club - I’d style it out,

like a fashion choice, but I was hiding. 

Because I was out of time, out of step the seasons

changing fast and I ran to keep up. STOP! I wanted to

shout. I’m not ready. Ready for what?

I’m not ready to change.

Not right now. 

For anyone reading and/or dealing with an ED see the

seasonal change as an opportunity to nourish and practice

looking after yourself. Think warm caring thoughts. 

How can you nourish yourself?

How can you care for yourself?

Have a think.

Off the cuff here are three things I do:

1. I take a high quality probiotic

  • Essential for gut and brain health especially if you interfere with your food.

Gut bacteria/microbiome is unique to each of us.

Find the probiotic that suits you.

(I take Pro Bassan Complete by Tisso and mix it up, every now and then, with something else.)

2. Make soup

Soup is easy.

Cheap and nutritious.

Kind to the body if you’re not used to much. 

Make a base like Soffritto.


  • Onions, carrot and celery diced. 

  • Cooked slow over a low heat with olive oil.

  • Season.

  • Add veg, stock.

  • Cook more.

  • Season.

  • Add herbs.

  • Blend.

  • Eat.

3. Say this mantra

This is easier than I think.

Use it for everything. 


That’s a Wrap: Season Five Recap!


Sea Breeze: An Update From Jemma