Episode 84: Overcoming Eating Disorders with Lisa Marie
Season 8 concludes with Lisa Marie who recently returned to day treatment for anorexia. Lisa was doing really well until after the pandemic and she went back to the gym. Then her best friend died from anorexia. This episode is dedicated to her friend, Nikki Grahame.
Episode 83: My Young Daughter and Anorexia with Emma
Emma didn’t notice her daughter had developed anorexia until they were about to board a plane for a family holiday. Emma’s been on a steep learning curve ever since. Her warm and compassionate take on recent events will help anyone in a similar situation.
Episode 82: Relapsing and Recovery with Prue [Part 2]
Prue first spoke on the Love This Food Thing Podcast in Season 6 (Ep 55) about the impact of being sent to boarding school aged 11 and the link between her diabetes and anorexia. No one came to her rescue. This episode is a super helpful insight for anyone going through similar issues. Join me to hear Prue’s thoughts on recovery, relapsing and how you can rescue yourself.
Episode 81: Inherited Trauma Release Therapy with Jonathan Meenagh
Jonny is an Inherited Trauma Release Therapist whose life was forever changed after his first trauma release session for hoarding (previously food) and sneaker addiction. His rational and scientific mind was officially blown when he discovered these patterns had belonged to an ancestor and he left the session, finally free.
Episode 80: Healing Anorexia and Binge Eating Using the Law of Attraction with Amanda Dixon
Amanda never imagined that she’d ever recover after 25 years of eating disorders and exercise bulimia. Amanda is a stay at home Mum who tried to recover several times, but it was only when she discovered The Law of Attraction via a podcast that she was finally able to challenge her thoughts and beliefs and get her life back.
Episode 79: Healing From Abuse and Starvation with Alix Nugent
Alix was punished with starvation and isolation by some of the nuns at her Catholic Boarding School. Alix binges to soothe her fear. Sometimes, she feels guilty, but she’s learning to let herself off the hook. If there was ever an example of releasing trauma and the past with love and understanding then Alix is it!
Episode 78: Anorexia Recovery and Nutritional Wellness with Anne Richardson
Anne’s home life was chaotic due, mostly, to her unpredictable father who wished that Anne had been a boy. Her anorexia kicked in from the ages of 16 - 21. She knew she’d never recover at home so she packed her bags and moved to London where she rebuilt her life. In this episode we explore Anne’s relationship with her father and how his absence still resonates.
Episode 77: Bulimia and Alcohol Recovery with Ross Beckley
At University Ross discovered alcohol and when she bought her first flat, at age 24, her eating disorders spiralled out of control. Ross had a stressful yet successful career and seemed to have it all but she nearly lost everything. Tune in to hear her inspiring recovery journey.
Episode 76: Orri: A Place of Sanctuary, Safety andShelter with Kerrie Jones
Kerrie is a leading Psychotherapist in the treatment of eating disorders and the founder and CEO of Orri, the Eating Disorder Treatment Clinic. We talk about mental health parlance, the nature of eating disorders and how the prevailing narrative, that you can’t recover, just isn’t true - you can.
Episode 75: Overcoming Food and AlcoholAddiction with Victoria Palmer
Victoria is an award-winning Certified Reiki Master Teacher & Practitioner, Coach, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, Guide & Moonologer. Tune into this episode to hear her inspiring journey and how she overcame food and alcohol addiction and transformed her life.
Episode 74: Why Women Struggle to be Embodied with Dr. Fiona Vera-Gray
Dr Fiona Vera-Gray is one of the UK’S leading feminist academics working on violence against women and girls. Fiona speaks with a fluent and light touch with decades of experience combined with her natural warmth and humanity. *Best to listen when little people are not in the room!
Episode 73: Answering Your Questions about Eating Disorders with Jemma Richards
Eating Disorders are a broad church. We all have our stories to tell and unique perspectives to share. In this solo episode, Jemma explored some of the questions submitted by the community.
Episode 72: Transforming Your Health and Habits with Steve Brenner
Steve is a nutritionist and owner of the Mind Muscle Clinic. He gave up a stressful non-stop business, retrained and went from 24 stone to 18 stone in 12-months. Motivated by his desire to be a “great Dad,” gave him focus but Steve is also one of those people who just gets on with what needs to be done - he transformed his life! Tune in now.
Episode 71: From Eating Disorder to Self-Love with Flurina Dominique Thali
Flurina is an osteopath, dancer and creator of The Breathing Body Podcast. Flurina believes, as we do at Love This Food Thing, that eating disorders and behaviours when properly understood and explored can be powerful healing tools. Tune in to hear her story.
Episode 70: Anorexia: A Mother’s Perspective with Lorraine
Jemma has wanted to interview a mother with a child who has an eating disorder ever since I started this podcast. This is an intimate and raw episode. Listening to Lorraine’s perspective is heartbreaking at times, but we think it’s essential for sufferers and supporters alike.
Episode 69: An Autistic and Neurodiversity Chat (Part 2) with Livia Sara
Liv Sara from the Liv Label Podcast returns to the show to talk all about autism and neurodiversity. Liv has a unique and illuminating perspective and is very much about the lived experience helping others find their way without judgement or shame. Tune in!
Episode 68: On A Mission To Dismantle Diet Culture with Sabrina Magnan
Sabrina’s pivotal moment around her disordered eating and orthorexia happened when she became an aunt for the first time. Today, she’s on a mission to dismantle diet culture. This is an empowering, feel good episode due to Sabrina’s vulnerability and candid storytelling that will resonate with all of our listeners.
Episode 67: Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) with Dr. Rob Willson
Dr. Rob Willson PhD is a cognitive behaviour therapist (CBT), with a special interest in Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). He is currently the chair of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation, which is the world’s first charity exclusively devoted to the condition. Here at Love This Food Thing, we are big supporters of the BDDF and it was my absolute pleasure to chat with Rob and find out more.
Episode 66: A Take on Nutrition and Learning to Embrace Food with Nicola Moore
Nicola is a trailblazer in her field and keen for the nutritional industry to take responsibility for, sometimes, perpetuating the very problems that people are trying to solve. Tune in for a fascinating discussion related to food and nutrition and slightly away from the norm!
Episode 65: Our Festive Gift to You: Dogs, Food and Canine Behavioural Issues with Laura Doherty
This is our festive gift to you all as we know how much (like us) you love your dogs! Laura Doherty is a dog trainer and behaviourist who uses force free and reward based methods only. We covered dogs and food, dogs barking at the table, dog calming methods, learning dog language, how to teach your dog new behaviours and tons more.