That’s a Wrap: Season Five Recap!

As we wrap up Season Five, I’d like to share some Love This Food Things... long after our guests have left the building. 

In particular seasonal order: 

No one needs to ever go to bed hungry. There is enough food for everyone. Vision and action make a leader. Set the example. Make it happen. 

Thank you Leon Aarts

When a psychotherapist shares their vulnerability with generosity along with their expert view it is a beautiful reminder that openness is not only possible but also preferable. 

Thank you Joelle Rabow Maletis 

When ADHD and thoughts overwhelm the mind, calm the chaos. Tune into your needs. Listen. Create structure, get organised and redirect your focus. Practice.

Thank you Becca King

Trauma, no matter how great or miniscule, can wreak havoc upon your system. Your distress and physical symptoms may continue unabated for years until the relationship with yourself is healed. 

Thank you Emmy Brunner

Not all consultant surgeons are scary! Some exude warmth and empathy, Moderation, exercise and relaxation are key, especially, when treating breast cancer. Remain vigilant. 

Thank you Dr Tasha

PART ONE: How can someone so young lose precious loved ones, nearly die, and amidst illness and grief sing her heart out on Christmas Day, in a hospital bed, surrounded by family and feel joy. 

Loved ones never die or leave; they just inhabit a different space.

PART TWO: Anyone can overcome anything but it’s easier and more possible when you have someone to hold you and lean on through the tough times. Shine bright my friends.

Thank you Gracie Carpenter 

No matter how long you have been attached to specific behaviours or an identity you can change and recover.  Courage. Vulnerability. Moving on. Stick with it!

Thank you Caroline Drummond-Smith 

Some of us experience childhood as the weird kid. Never fitting in. Or part of the “gang.” It’s only in adulthood that we find our tribe, our value systems and live life on our terms.

Thank you Lisa Marley

Movement is life. Movement is breath. Moving from an intense physical regime to a gentler pace takes time and readjustment. Despite appearances this is an affair of the heart. Stretch. Eat well. And sleep.

Thank you Chrissy Sundt

Life is sweet. Our palette needs sweetness. It is an essential component for love. This can take the form of a cake, sent through the post, like a hug in a box. Spreading the love.

Thank you Luzolo Ntima

I continue to be inspired and in awe of our guests' willingness to share themselves and their stories with immense candour, wit and warmth. Thank you for all of your support this past season. It means the absolute world to us.

In the meantime, come and follow us over on Instagram to stay up to date with all of the projects we’re working on!


Christmas and the Holiday Season When You’re Battling Food Issues


Autumn Nights and a Recipe For You to Try