Episode 40: The Role of Trauma and PTSD in Eating Disorders with Joelle Rabow Maletis

“It was the perfect storm, an internal conflict and an external conflict. I was being driven by the need to be perfect, the need to fit into an aesthetic world where I was being judged not just on my talent and ability” but on how I looked.

Joelle trained in ballet and was dancing professionally at sixteen. She describes herself as, “short, curvy and mouthy,” the antitheses of a ballerina

Joelle was loved but home life felt turbulent, she was constantly treading on eggshells. She also endured gastro-intestinal issues and was diagnosed as coeliac when older.

Joelle developed eating disorders (ED’s) early on but flew under the radar; as these behaviours were common within dance culture. Looking back she recognises her ED’s as a response to early childhood trauma and then much later as PTSD.

At nineteen, Joelle entered the world of commercials, film and music videos. Being on camera brought new pressures highlighting her issue of never feeling good enough - the better her external performance the worse she felt inside.

Despite her ongoing distress, Joelle powered through life - high functioning and high achieving – in and out of therapy whilst juggling a successful dance career, two children and training as a psychotherapist.

Today, Joelle runs a thriving trauma focused private psychotherapy practice in California specialising in Eating Disorders, Trauma and PTSD.

Joelle is the kind of therapist who has been there, done it and wears the T-shirt giving her oodles of insight, compassion and understanding which is a special combination.

Tune in to hear Joelle’s expert take on trauma, eating disorders and innate wisdom around recovery and embracing life.


  • [10:30] - Orthorexia/Bingeing

  • [27:10] - Coeliac situation

  • [23:20] - Psych School

  • [30:43] - Trauma


Joelle’s Instagram

Joelle’s Website


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Episode 41: ADHD, Eating and Food Disorders with Becca King


Episode 39: Food, Hunger and Manifestation with Leon Aarts